The One Reason Why It Will...


Some passions are unreasonable. Some are without reasons. But the ones that work out often are the unreasonable passions that drew you to it without a reason. Today when I sit back and let my past be relished and perished by my mind, the memories I still choose to cherish are my pursuits of these passions. There have been several moments in life, when I have punished myself for the choices made, the opportunities lost and the moments neglected. The voice that tells you "but, if you had...", is so persisting in nature that, it lingers as a long drawn crooning beneath our subliminal thoughts and actions, no matter what heights we have conquered and how much happiness we have felt.

They say that it is in the nature of human race to seek perfection and to reject it once it is attained, because our feeling for perfection takes us to an altogether different level, that we start believing in the perfection of the imperfect...what we call the artistic perfection. Somehow, it is never enough. We tend to make castles of "why"s...why things are not the way they should be and why things cannot happen the way you want it to be...The world has learnt to dwell on "to be" and guess what, they are so dependent that the "be" stature has forgotten to stand by itself without leaning on, "to".  We, somehow, are forgetting the great powers we have in us and the best that we are...We know only the best in others or the best that we could probably achieve with the help of others. Self-sufficiency has lost its stand. We read books on self-help, and believe that we are helping ourselves.

There is no self- confidence, no self-appraisal, no self-respect...what more???There is no "self" anymore.

No one can help us better, than ourselves. We seek aid, expecting uplift. But seldom do we realise that after the uplift, we are unconsciously being plunged into a state of self-imposed helplessness. That moment, when we realise that, we are enough, is the turning point in our lives. Instead of fiddling with the thousand reasons why, something would never happen, let’s just start believing in that one reason why it will. Rather than admiring the resources with others, let us start focusing on our abilities. Widen the horizon of your thoughts about yourself. Broaden the perspectives we have of possibilities. Expand the stretch of possibilities that you have laid out for your achievement.

Trust me, you deserve a huge life!!! 


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